Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Here we go!

Why Hello my readers!
Sorry i have not been blogging a lot lately. With school starting, it has been insane. I work all the time now because of 2 people being let go. Lets see, what has been going on lately? My car when into the shop to get the transmission fixed. I just got the call today that it is completed! Finally! $1,800 to fix but it is completely worth it. Now I have my car back! Well...tomorrow. What else? Oh, exactly a week from today, my nephew will be born. I am so excited to see his little face. I am can't wait to see what he looks like and who he looks like. I already bought Henry an outfit for his day with Aunt Katie. He is such a spoiled little man. Which is okay with me :) Other than that, i have just been working my butt off at school. My goal is to get a 4.0 this semester. That is hard for me. I am a good student but, on certain things I slack on. Not this semester. Now that I am in education classes, the gloves have come off! OH I forgot! I signed up for the  ACT again in April! I am so excited! I know that sounds weird but, I am. I am going to pass this one with flying colors. No joke. I am going to get the score that i need (22). :) I am beyond confident! lol. Well I better pay attention in class.
Talk to you all later. I will post a picture of my new nephew when he is here!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hello readers!
Well I am officially on a snow day! Kind of...lol. We had a bunch of snow roll in which was not fun for people who commute. A lot of places are closed. It was -10 out yesterday with a wind chill of -37. So lets just say, its a great thing they cancelled school today. It looks like i will be at AU on Thursday again. There i will pick up my books and start the wonderful joys of homework. Is it sad that i miss homework? I looked into one of my classes and we are required to write two papers...each 7-10 pages long!! WHAT? Not to mention that is a history paper! Shoot me now. The new thing that a lot of professors are doing is making cellphones not allowed in the classroom. I have one professor who will take 2% off of your grade each time he sees it out. That is a little bit overboard for me, but maybe not. Other than that, not much has been going on. Just getting myself ready for school and all that sun stuff.  I know this blog is short but, I wanted to update you all with the terrible weather we are having!

P.S. My car goes into the shop tomorrow!!!

Thanks for reading

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year

Hello everyone!
I know that it has been a few months since i have blogged last but, i will tell you one thing. A LOT has happened since then. First back in October, I got into a car accident. I had a lady run a stop sign, i had no time to stop and creamed the side of her van. She then left the scene. Not knowing if i was hurt or what was going on with me. I was devastated! My Mazda was my baby. I miss it. But after she left the scene i notified the police immediately. They came and i explained what the girl looked like, what the car looked like and where she was heading. Come to find out, she went to a town 10 miles down the road, flagged down a cop and told them that someone hit her car and THEY ran. (as my car is unable to move in the middle of the road). It was a bad day. My dad took me to the hospital and they looked me over. I just had terrible neck, back and shoulder pain from the impact. The police officer stopped by my house to tell me that they caught the girl at her mom's house. She left the scene because she had no valid drivers license. WOW! But, thank goodness that van she was driving was her mothers and they had insurance. A month later, with the money i received from my car, bought a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta GLX VR6. I LOVE my car. However, a week later, i got hit by a deer, which caused the driver door to smash in as well as the fender. UGH! THEN a couple weeks ago the transmission decided that it wanted to act up so now it is driving really rough. So on Monday, my car goes into the shop. Lets hope that it is not an expensive fix.

Other then car trouble. School starts up again on Jan. 7th. I have 4 classes, all on Tuesday and Thursday. Not too bad. I am at AU from 8 am to 4:30 pm. SUPER long day, but it is only 2 days a week. I am not in the education department yet, but i am getting closer. I am not going to get into the details but i am closer. :) Other than that, not much has been going on. Henry is doing well, I love that little monster. He is officially TUBE FREE!!! no more oxygen or feeding. Fully on his own. Well, i better get a few things done. A couple friends and i are going for some food! :) Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ooops...hee hee

Hello my readers,
I am so very sorry that I have been slacking on blogging! There has been a lot of stuff going on. School started and that is really all that I have been doing. It takes up way too much time! lol. Well, not much has been going on. I have 4 classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They are all simple, except for math...I hate math. Also I am going to be retaking the ACT in October. The last time I took the test, I received a 21....you need a 22 to get into the education department. So I was a little disheartened. Lately, my mind has been looking at other majors. I wanted to give up on my teaching degree and move on.  I don't want to give up, but if i don't pass the act...I am going to have to think of other options. I am already behind by an entire year, I don't want to waste another semester and money. I looked into Psychology as a major and I could graduate this year, if i were to declare that as my major. I would have to overload, but I could do it. I only need 18 credits in miscellaneous Psychology courses to finish. I could still work in schools! I could be a school guidance counselor. That would actually be really fun. I believe my Grandpa Theede was one back in the day. I don't know. We will see what happens. I am just going to hope, pray and STUDY...Other than that, I went to a friend of mine's wedding last weekend. It was a gorgeous ceremony and reception. Hmm...what else, ohhh...Russell and I celebrated out 4 year anniversary last month. I still can't believe that it has been 4 years. Time sure does fly by. Tonight I have a family dinner to go to which will be a lot of fun. I am going to dress up a little bit.

I also decided that If i do stick with teaching, I am going to make another blog that is solely going to be for clothing ideas for teaching. Taking pictures each day and explaining what each thing is. I know that sounds funny but I think that it will be fun. I have seen a few blogs like this, but I think that mine will be different because I am not a stick figure. I dress for my body shape.

I want you all to know, that I am NOT giving up on teaching. I am going to try as hard as I can to pass. I promise you all, that I am going to do this. If something happens and it does not happen, that is when I will be looking into other options. I have a meeting with my adviser to talk about the options tomorrow. I am not a quitter, but I want to be realistic to myself. :)

Well, I better start getting ready. Thank you all for reading. I will try and blog again soon.

This is a picture of Russell at the Wedding

Thanks everyone, 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hello Readers!

I know that it has been a while, but I have been going INSANE with summer school and getting ready for summerfest! Other than that, nothing much has happened. I know that I need to take another semester of school. I am no sad to say this because this means that I will have my minor finished by this semester. I am going to retake the ACT in October so no worries. I have been working and going to school all the time. I am taking 2 summer classes and they are taking everything out of me. lol Sociology is fun but I found out that I don't need it at all. They dropped it from the program at AU so there is no point. I guess my mind has realized that hence why I just don't care. lol. I hate saying that but it is true. Well. I am going to read my book! :)

I have glasses now! :)